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New Jersey 2A News

An image of some of the attendees of the 2A4E Diversity Shoot

The 2nd Amendment Really Is For Everyone

I had heard of, but never attended, one of Tony Simon’s 2A4E Diversity Shoots before. I’m sorry I didn’t. I attended the most recent one, in Monroe, NJ, and I had one of the most memorable and enjoyable times at a shooting range that I can recall. People from all walks of life were in attendance. It shattered general assumptions of mine. Everyone had a great time, we laughed alot, and I recommend everyone attend at least once. This effort is worthy of our support!

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An image of a judge's gavel on a stock of books on a wooden table.

Analysis of Judge Bumb’s Opinion That Put NJ Carry Killer Law On Hold

Judge Bumb went to great lengths to write a well-thought opinion in the matter of a preliminary injunction against New Jersey’s so-called carry killer law which invalidates public carry of firearms in the vast majority of the state. As she pointed out, the legislators who got the bill passed, as well as the state attorneys that are currently defending the new law, have not done any research and have nothing to support their claims of constitutionality.

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An image of a person stealing money from another person

When Do You Not Buy Local?

Its no secret that you can buy your ammo cheaper online and have it delivered right to your doorstep. However, in a state like New Jersey, where the local gun shops and ranges are under constant attack by the democrat supermajority in Trenton, its extra important to support those who support you. That means: buy local. But how much it too much?

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An image of a gavel and American flag

Judge Bumb Issues Preliminary Injunction In New Jersey Carry Killer Case

Yesterday, May 16, Judge Bumb issued a Preliminary Injunction in the now-consolidated Siegel and Koons carry killer cases that falls squarely on the side of 2nd Amendment freedoms. Right up there with the Bruen decision, this is one of the biggest and best 2A court rulings the Garden State has ever seen. The case isn’t over and could take some time to reach a final conclusion but the PI is a great indicator that we have some permanent freedom coming our way!

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An image depicting apathy as a poison.

Conservatives – YOUR Apathy Got Us Here

It’s no secret that the left’s lack of principles and morals is seeping into every part of our daily lives. They’ve gotten there by being louder, more active, and playing dirty. For the sake of our children’s futures and our rights in general, conservatives need to stand up, speak up, and get louder and more active than ever. We can regain ground!

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A history book and a magnifying glass

We Are Watching History Being Made

Here in New Jersey, we are either excited about what’s going on with the 2nd Amendment or anxious about how upcoming court battles will pan out. One thing is for sure: we are on a path to victory for civil rights in the Garden State and nationwide.

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An image depicting love and hate

NJ Attorney General Salutes SCOTUS When It’s Beneficial To Him

We all know that New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin is Murphy’s lap dog. It’s pretty funny how he switches between praising the US Supreme Court and condemning the court based on how much he favors or disfavors any given ruling. They’re either fair and just or they are not, you can’t have it both ways Platkin.

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An image depicting gun law hypocrisy

NJ Attorney General Goes Soft On Gun Violence/Murder

Imagine being a state that loves to brag about being strict on gun violence, and then letting a violent murderer off the hook on gun charges. That’s New Jersey, where criminals are treated as victims, and law-abiding citizens as guests of the gulag.

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An image of a generic gun license certificate

New Jersey Courts No Longer Amending PTCs

Thinking about how to amend your court-issued permit to carry so you can conceal that new pistol you just picked up? Think again. A new directive was just issued to the county courts ordering them to stop amending permits effective immediately.

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Jerry and Kathy Arose

A New Jersey 2A Brother-In-Arms Needs Your Help!

Yesterday, April 12, Jerry Arose, a well-respected member of the NJ 2nd Amendment community was injured in a house fire. A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family in their time of need. Please visit the GoFundMe page and consider making a donation to make sure they can focus on medical treatment and recovery.

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Become a Member

You Want my Advice? You’d Better Become a Member.

Author John Petrolino recounts a recent conversation with the directory of Florida Carry regarding a third-party’s questions about the costs of New Jersey’s Permit to Purchase a Handgun. Lets just say there is no excuse, as a gun owner in NJ, for not being a member of the 2A groups fighting tooth and nail for our rights here in the Garden State.

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Misappropriation of funds

NJ Spends COVID Funds to Combat “Gun Violence”

We’ve said it before: “The corruption of New Jersey knows no bounds”. New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin has misappropriated funds meant for COVID-19 relief for the purposes of “gun detection” systems and largely in towns that don’t really have any level of gun crime. He claims that so-called gun violence has increased since the beginning of the COVID pandemic and as such the funds qualify for these twisted uses. Read about this cheap, see-through, excuse for the misappropriation of funds.

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Siegel/Koons v. Platkin
Oral arguments heard Oct 25
Awaiting opinion from 3rd Circuit of Appeals

You can carry in your car on your motorcycle on private property* at airports* at church in some restaurants* at filming locations