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Carry Killer

A screenshot of NJ Attorney General Matthew Platkin's letter to the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in the matter of Koons/Siegel v. Platkin.

NJ Attorney General Defends ‘Sensitive Places’ Ban Citing 9th Circuit

No matter how weak the attempt, the NJ Attorney General, Matthew Platkin, seems relentless in his letter writing to the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. When his office is not busy defending our unconstitutional “sensitive places” laws by citing historical laws deeply rooted in racism, they never miss an opportunity to cite poorly-executed rulings from other notoriously anti-gun circuits.

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Third Circuit Court of Appeals logo

Watch/Listen to Oral Arguments in the 3rd Circuit Re: New Jersey’s Sensitive Places – Koons/Seigel v. Platkin

On October 25, 2023 at 11AM Eastern Time, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the now-combined Koons/Siegel v. Platkin. In June of this year, a three-Judge panel of the 3rd Circuit reinstated large portions of the New Jersey carry killer bill that laid out a long list of sensitive places that are off-limits to concealed carry of firearms. The decision was outside of the bounds set forth in the Bruen decision and clearly unconstitutional. Now we have our day in court.

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A screenshot of the NJ memo to law enforcement regarding the new CCARE protocol.

NJ Issues NEW Qualification for Concealed Carry Holders

Although we shouldn’t have to “qualify” to exercise a core civil right, the State of NJ has eased the PTC qualifications to a more reasonable level and extended the deadline to December 31, 2023, thanks to the hard work of Dan Schmutter and Scott Bach of ANJRPC, Evan Nappen, and Anthony Colandro (Gun for Hire).

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A magnifying glass over the word truth.

NJ PTC Holders — Take This Seriously!

Have a New Jersey PTC? You’re a target now.

If you have a PTC or are planning to get one, this article is for you. The 2nd Amendment is YOUR right and it’s incredibly important to exercise it intelligently and responsibly for myriad reasons.

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An image of a ninja.

NJSP “Interim” Training Requirements Create Sh!tShow

The new training and qualification standards for New Jersey permit-to-carry holders have been released. There has been nothing but mass confusion amongst members of the public, gun ranges, lawyers, and even the police. Not to mention, the actual qualifications require the athletic acumen of a ninja to pass.

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An image of a judge's gavel and the scales of justice in the background.

3rd Circuit Decision Reinstates Most of Carry-Killer Law

In a disappointing, but not entirely unexpected, given who the judges are, decision, the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued a partial stay against Judge Bumb’s recent preliminary injunction in the now-consolidated cases of Koons v. Platkin and Siegel v. Platkin. These cases challenge just about every aspect of New Jersey’s carry killer law that makes most of the Garden State off limits to civilian concealed carry.

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An image of a judge's gavel on a stock of books on a wooden table.

Analysis of Judge Bumb’s Opinion That Put NJ Carry Killer Law On Hold

Judge Bumb went to great lengths to write a well-thought opinion in the matter of a preliminary injunction against New Jersey’s so-called carry killer law which invalidates public carry of firearms in the vast majority of the state. As she pointed out, the legislators who got the bill passed, as well as the state attorneys that are currently defending the new law, have not done any research and have nothing to support their claims of constitutionality.

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An image of a gavel and American flag

Judge Bumb Issues Preliminary Injunction In New Jersey Carry Killer Case

Yesterday, May 16, Judge Bumb issued a Preliminary Injunction in the now-consolidated Siegel and Koons carry killer cases that falls squarely on the side of 2nd Amendment freedoms. Right up there with the Bruen decision, this is one of the biggest and best 2A court rulings the Garden State has ever seen. The case isn’t over and could take some time to reach a final conclusion but the PI is a great indicator that we have some permanent freedom coming our way!

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An image of a generic gun license certificate

New Jersey Courts No Longer Amending PTCs

Thinking about how to amend your court-issued permit to carry so you can conceal that new pistol you just picked up? Think again. A new directive was just issued to the county courts ordering them to stop amending permits effective immediately.

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From left to right, Judge Renée Marie Bumb, Daniel Schmutter, Edward Kologi, and Angela Cai

Oral Arguments Heard in PI Phase of NJ Carry Killer Case

This past Friday, Judge Bumb spent four and a half hours listening to arguments from both plaintiffs and defendants in the now-merged cases challenging New Jersey’s “sensitive places” law which makes the vast majority of the state off-limits to concealed carriers. No ruling on the PI has been issued yet, but it was quite the interesting hearing.

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