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New Jersey Courts No Longer Amending PTCs

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On April 10, the New Jersey Court Administrative Director yet again changed the process for amending a court-issued Permit to Carry a handgun in New Jersey.

In a bureaucratic quagmire that could only exist in New Jersey, Glenn Grant, Administrative Director of the Courts of New Jersey, issued “Supplement to Directive #14-22 – Criminal – Gun Permit Procedures – Requests to Amend Permits to Carry.

The most significant part of the directive has to do with amending permits issued by New Jersey courts:

“Effective immediately, courts will no longer issue amended carry permits or orders to issue amended carry permits other than to correct issuance errors ( e.g., typographical errors, misprints).”

Court-issued permits accounted for all permits with application dates prior to December 22, 2022, when A4769 was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy. (Applications submitted after that date were handled by either the State Police or the municipal police department of the applicant.)

There are a handful of reasons one might want to amend a court-issued PTC, most pertinent being those holding court orders that restrict carry to a specific firearm, and wanting to add one or more firearms to that court order.

Although many questions exist, the courts are now deferring that process to the local police departments:

“…applicants requesting to add one or more handguns to a permit to carry that previously was issued by the courts should be directed instead to apply for a new permit through their local police agency. Applicants requesting to remove any restriction from a permit previously issued by the courts may choose to appeal to a higher court.”

There appear to be only a few remedies for those affected by this scenario:

  • File an appeal for the removal of a court order attached to a current PTC
  • Surrender your court-issued PTC and apply for a new PTC through your local police department
  • Maintain your current PTC until its expiration date (two years from date of issuance) and then reapply under the new process with your local police department

According to the new directive, questions or comments may be directed to Criminal Practice Division by email to the AOC Criminal Practice Division at [email protected] or by phone at: (609) 815-2900, x55300

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Don S.

If not allowed by the U.S. or New Jersey constitutions, the public servant are strictly prohibited from requiring lawful Citizens to purchase permits or such to RKBA.
Madison, the Father of the Constitution wrote in Federalist 49, that “constitutional limitations” would prohibit and restrict public servants from violating inalienable rights, for what is not specifically allowed for public servants to do, is absolutely denied.
Not “Rocket Science”.

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