NJ NICS data as of 
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NJ NICS data as of 
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New Jersey 2A News

Person with a gun committing armed robbery.

N.J. Armed Robberies Make the Case for Carry

A string of robberies and assaults by armed criminals in NJ willing to use violence further reinforces the case for citizen carry. Read John Petrolino’s editorial to learn more about these crimes and how they’re being handled by the legal system.

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Anthony Colandro in the Gun for Hire Podcast studio

I Don’t Have Time to Listen to Gun For Hire Radio

Many of us know Anthony Colandro and his Gun for Hire Podcast as a primary source of information regarding the 2nd Amendment in New Jersey. Are you one of the people that doesn’t have the time to listen for less than an hour each week yet you expect the information to be spoon fed to you on demand?

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Third Circuit Court of Appeals logo

Watch/Listen to Oral Arguments in the 3rd Circuit Re: New Jersey’s Sensitive Places – Koons/Seigel v. Platkin

On October 25, 2023 at 11AM Eastern Time, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the now-combined Koons/Siegel v. Platkin. In June of this year, a three-Judge panel of the 3rd Circuit reinstated large portions of the New Jersey carry killer bill that laid out a long list of sensitive places that are off-limits to concealed carry of firearms. The decision was outside of the bounds set forth in the Bruen decision and clearly unconstitutional. Now we have our day in court.

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AR15 magazines with hollow point bullets and a skull.

ANJRPC Seeks Judgement in Mag Ban and Assault Weapons Cases

ANJRPC continues to aggressively represent it’s members through litigation against New Jersey’s gamut of over-reaching and unconstitutional gun laws. Read about the most recent developments in the currently-consolidated cases of ANJRPC v. Platkin, Cheeseman v. Platkin, and Ellman v. Platkin.

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A screenshot of the NJ memo to law enforcement regarding the new CCARE protocol.

NJ Issues NEW Qualification for Concealed Carry Holders

Although we shouldn’t have to “qualify” to exercise a core civil right, the State of NJ has eased the PTC qualifications to a more reasonable level and extended the deadline to December 31, 2023, thanks to the hard work of Dan Schmutter and Scott Bach of ANJRPC, Evan Nappen, and Anthony Colandro (Gun for Hire).

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A magnifying glass over the word truth.

NJ PTC Holders — Take This Seriously!

Have a New Jersey PTC? You’re a target now.

If you have a PTC or are planning to get one, this article is for you. The 2nd Amendment is YOUR right and it’s incredibly important to exercise it intelligently and responsibly for myriad reasons.

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An image of a ninja.

NJSP “Interim” Training Requirements Create Sh!tShow

The new training and qualification standards for New Jersey permit-to-carry holders have been released. There has been nothing but mass confusion amongst members of the public, gun ranges, lawyers, and even the police. Not to mention, the actual qualifications require the athletic acumen of a ninja to pass.

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