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2nd Amendment News & Articles

9th Circuit Appeals Court Says CA and Hawaii Gun Bans Have Historical Precedent

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Gun Rights Groups

If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, it is important to join and/or donate to these groups. They are on the frontlines doing the heavy lifting in the courts fighting fiercely for our rights. They depend on regular donations from all of us. Your donations fund lawsuits to make sure these organizations have the resources they need to fight against a government with unlimited budget. Whether $5 or $50 or $500, consider donating to these groups on a regular basis. Your 2nd Amendment rights depend on it!

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs - ANJRPC
Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners - CNJFO
Women for Gun Rights logo
Firearms Policy Coalition - FPC
Gun Owners of America - GOA
Second Amendment Foundation - SAF
NRA Logo

2A Podcasts

One of our favorite ways to stay up-to-date on New Jersey firearm news and 2nd Amendment news nationwide is through podcasts. At News2A, we are regular listeners to all of the listed podcasts. New episodes are published frequently and feature authoritative discussion on the 2A news topics of the day. Many of the podcast episodes focus on the ever-evolving, currently-litigated Second Amendment landscape after the NYSRPA v. Bruen ruling. Many other topics are also discussed such as assault weapon ban legislation, magazine bans, red flag laws, suppressor laws and so much more. Tune in to the top experts in world of gun law and firearms news.

Gun for Hire Radio

Anthony Colandro, owner of Gun for Hire, is New Jersey's biggest 2nd Amendment rights advocate. His podcast is both entertaining and motivating. If you live in New Jersey and own firearms, you should be tuning in weekly.

New Jersey Firearm Owners Syndicate podcast

New Jersey Firearm Owners Syndicate

SCOTUS plaintiff Mark Cheeseman, NJ gun law historian Jay Factor, and host Matthew Bartky talk about the history of their cases and what they are doing, and what you can do, to liberate our 2A rights in the Garden State.

Cam & Co.

Cam Edwards is the widely-followed host of Bearing Arms Cam & Co. He covers 2nd Amendment news from a national perspective. Every show includes armed citizen stories and stories about everyday people performing good deeds.

Armed Scholar Podcast

Armed Scholar

Anthony Miranda is a California-based 2nd Amendment lawyer with the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC). He hosts a very informative podcast and is a widely-known YouTube broadcaster. Get smarter every time you tune in.

Gun Lawyer Podcast

Gun Lawyer

Evan Nappen is the most well-known gun lawyer in New Jersey. New Jersey has many legal traps designed to disarm unwitting gun owners. Evan tells us regularly about nightmare firearms cases and teaches us how to avoid the traps.

2A YouTube Channels

While we hope that News2A is your first stop when looking for Second Amendment news, we’d like to tip our hat to some of the excellent 2nd Amendment news creators who are very effectively using other social media platforms to keep you informed. This handful of carefully selected pro-gun news broadcasters below are, in our opinion, trustworthy sources for Second Amendment news, albeit in a different format. Each brings a unique and helpful perspective to the developing news stories surrounding 2A news topics.

What The Media Isn't Telling You About The Georgia High School Mass Shooting

September 8, 2024 2:24 pm

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.