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Firearms students

On Becoming a Firearms Instructor, Specifically, a Pistol Instructor… Part One – a Personal Journey

In this first article of a three part series, ScotShot shares his instructor journey and shares with us an understanding of the different organizations that certify instructors as well as their hierarchal structures and methods of teaching. Whether you’re searching for an instructor, seeking to become an instructor, or already are an instructor, this article is a great read.

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Vlad Vaval, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire, conducting a firearms course.

Choosing Your Firearms Instructor(s)

Vlad Vaval, founder of Threat Reflex, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire, gives us some solid advice about how to pick the right instructor so that we can make the most out of our cherished 2nd Amendment right. Read on and let’s help prevent you from choosing an instructor that was employed as a sandwich maker two weeks earlier.

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A criminal with a gun holding a woman hostage.

Training for the fight… What can go wrong, probably will.

So you’ve got your NJ PTC now, you’ve been going to the range for years, and now you think you’re ready to roll if you are violently attacked. If you’ve never been in a gunfight but keep up on your range time, its easy for that false sense of confidence to creep in. Take it from Vlad Vaval, Chief Instructor at Gun for Hire… you need to train! Regularly.

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A guy in a car holding up a generic license

So, you’ve got your NJ PTC…

So now you’ve got your New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun. What’s next? Do you have the training and ability to use it effectively a real, pressure-on, defensive scenario at close quarters?

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A magnifying glass over the word truth.

NJ PTC Holders — Take This Seriously!

Have a New Jersey PTC? You’re a target now.

If you have a PTC or are planning to get one, this article is for you. The 2nd Amendment is YOUR right and it’s incredibly important to exercise it intelligently and responsibly for myriad reasons.

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Handguns for sale on display in a gun shop.

Your Gun, Your Choice

In life, you’ve probably heard the phrase “your decisions matter” close to one million times. Well…. you’re about to hear it again. When choosing a handgun, especially when considering one for carry, your decisions matter! Read the wise words of Gun for Hire Chief Instructor and founder of Threat Reflex, Vlad Vaval.

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Gun safety 101

Safety! Attention To Detail On Your Training Day

Important for both new and experienced shooters alike, it is of paramount importance to keep safe firearms handing at the top of our mind at all times. Vlad Vaval gives us a fantastic lesson. For some of us, it’s a much needed refresher course. For others, it might be the first time hearing these core, immutable rules of gun safety. Even if you know these rules, read them again. We should never become complacent about the safe handling of firearms.

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A person receiving firearms training

Train for the Probable

Most of us have done our best to imagine what we’d do in a real defensive situation. But our imagination tends to be limited to one or two scenarios, not the plausible, possible, or possible. ScotShot Scott really makes us think about reality in this training article.

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Target with good shot placement and light shining through the holes.

The Holes Never Lie

What is “trigger press” and how do we achieve consistency? This easy-to-understand article discusses and walks you through the mechanics of trigger press and some great pointers to help achieve consistency. If you struggle with consistent technique or consistent shot placement or jerking of the trigger, give this quasi-tutorial a read.

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