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News2A Team

An image of a gun, handcuffs, and a judge's gavel.

Third Circuit Renders Decision in Range v. Garland

Huge news today in a case that may very well be headed to the US Supreme Court! A Third Circuit Court of Appeals en banc panel just rendered a very important decision regarding gun possession by non-violent felons. Did the Bruen decision just put more guns in the hands of more people?

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An image of Daniel Francisco, Englishtown, NJ mayoral candidate.

Second Amendment Purist Running For Englishtown Mayor

In New Jersey, it’s difficult to find a political candidate that is honest and unforgiving in their beliefs. Most compromise away their values in our corrupt pay-to-play system. Daniel Francisco, President of Blue Star Union, named defendant in FPC case Francisco v. Cooke, and well-known 2nd Amendment advocate, is running to become mayor of Englishtown, NJ. In small town politics, the primary vote is almost always the decisive vote as to what the outcome will be in November. Get out and VOTE!

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A generic picture depicting road rage.

If Only I Had A NJ Legislator In The Car With Me Today

Today, I had a situation that might not sound scary while reading about it from a distance. However, there and in the moment, it was truly scary and I was happy to have my defensive firearm with me. I truly believe that if one of NJ’s anti-gun legislators were in the car with me today, they’d understand exactly why our 2nd Amendment rights are so important.

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A generic image of a person victorious in the courtroom.

FPC Scores HUGE Win in Pistol Brace Ban Case

It looks like the ATF is on the ropes. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just issued a preliminary injunction pending appeal in the Mock v. Garland case. This is great news and provides strong clues as to how the case will finally be resolved. One criterium, but the only, when it comes to issuing a preliminary injunction is “likelihood of success based on the merits of the case.”

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An image of some of the attendees of the 2A4E Diversity Shoot

The 2nd Amendment Really Is For Everyone

I had heard of, but never attended, one of Tony Simon’s 2A4E Diversity Shoots before. I’m sorry I didn’t. I attended the most recent one, in Monroe, NJ, and I had one of the most memorable and enjoyable times at a shooting range that I can recall. People from all walks of life were in attendance. It shattered general assumptions of mine. Everyone had a great time, we laughed alot, and I recommend everyone attend at least once. This effort is worthy of our support!

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An image of a judge's gavel on a stock of books on a wooden table.

Analysis of Judge Bumb’s Opinion That Put NJ Carry Killer Law On Hold

Judge Bumb went to great lengths to write a well-thought opinion in the matter of a preliminary injunction against New Jersey’s so-called carry killer law which invalidates public carry of firearms in the vast majority of the state. As she pointed out, the legislators who got the bill passed, as well as the state attorneys that are currently defending the new law, have not done any research and have nothing to support their claims of constitutionality.

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An image of a gavel and American flag

Judge Bumb Issues Preliminary Injunction In New Jersey Carry Killer Case

Yesterday, May 16, Judge Bumb issued a Preliminary Injunction in the now-consolidated Siegel and Koons carry killer cases that falls squarely on the side of 2nd Amendment freedoms. Right up there with the Bruen decision, this is one of the biggest and best 2A court rulings the Garden State has ever seen. The case isn’t over and could take some time to reach a final conclusion but the PI is a great indicator that we have some permanent freedom coming our way!

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An image showing a group engaged in firearms training.

The Next Attack on Your Second Amendment Rights

In further proving the war against freedom and the 2nd Amendment will never end, the left has just passed a bill in Vermont which was just signed into law by their republican governor. The state of Vermont has just outlawed paramilitary training. What is paramilitary training under this law? Whatever the left says it is.

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An image of two train tracks merging

7th Circuit Court of Appeals Consolidates Gun Ban and Mag Ban Cases

Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate. Before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals is a conglomeration of consolidated cases dealing with recent “high capacity” magazine bans and “assault weapon” bans out of the state of Illinois. The court just further consolidated substantially similar arms ban cases brought about after recent legislation.

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