Modern Warriors Showcases Staccato Lineup, Announces Rennovations
Two of the finest businesses in the gun industry put on a wonderful event to showcase the Staccato lineup. Come take a look!
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Two of the finest businesses in the gun industry put on a wonderful event to showcase the Staccato lineup. Come take a look!
The “spirit of Aloha” lives on… for now. The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a contentious Hawaii case on interlocutory appeal. However, their refusal was far from silent. In a pointed statement, SCOTUS firmly chastised the Hawaii Supreme Court for its clear and blatantly unconstitutional ruling.
Illinois, one of the most anti-gun, anti-2A states in the nation, has just seen a reprieve from an unconstitutional law enacted two years ago. Federal Judge Stephen McGlynn has permanently blocked the “assault weapons” ban portion of the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA). The state has already filed an appeal, and only time will tell whether the injunction will stand or be overturned.
Second Amendment Rights group, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), has just filed suit against New York for its ban on concealed carry by non-residents.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has blocked efforts by private citizens and an anti-Second Amendment group to overturn the state’s preemption laws. In its decision, the court found it necessary to give the appellants a civics lesson.
The city of Memphis, Tennessee, has enacted a carry ban, an “assault weapon” ban, and local red flag laws, all in direct violation of the state’s preemption law, which prohibits such measures. Second Amendment rights groups are taking the city to court, challenging what they argue is illegal and unconstitutional overreach.
Several states across the country ban civilian possession of body armor, raising questions about the reasoning behind such laws. Could it be to make civilians easier to kill? The State of New York attempted to dismiss a legal challenge to its body armor ban, but the judge denied the motion, allowing the case to proceed.
Illinois’ attempt to ban semi-automatic weapons and their magazines is struck down by a federal court, marking a significant victory for gun rights supporters nationwide.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit has overturned a preliminary injunction from the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, ruling that young adults between the ages of 18 and 20 are prohibited from purchasing firearms.
A historic and unprecedented victory for freedom, security, and likely the Second Amendment: Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump has been elected as the 47th President of these great United States. In a clear sign that Americans are fed up with the failed policies and rights suppression of the left, pro-2A candidates swept races nationwide.
The DC Court of Appeals recognized that so-called “extra-large capacity magazines”—in this case, those holding 17 rounds—are indeed covered by the Second Amendment. However, the court applied inconsistent reasoning, citing criminal misuse and mass shootings as justifications for prohibiting vetted, law-abiding citizens from owning them.
Most people see Texas as the ultimate land of firearms liberty—and in many ways, it is. However, what many don’t realize is that Texas has certain location-based carry restrictions, some of which are even stricter than those in less gun-friendly states. This lawsuit specifically challenges bans on carrying firearms in bars, racetracks, and at sporting events.
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