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Matthew Winchell Esq.

New York State Treads on Gun Rights

The New York state government is one of the biggest enemies to the 2nd Amendment and personal freedoms in general. After NYSRPA v. Bruen stopped the state from using an onerous and unconstitutional permitting scheme that few people could successfully navigate, the state decided to change what it means to have a concealed carry permit. In essence, they said “ok, we’ll issue permits… they just wont be valid anywhere.” Read this editorial by New York 2A Attorney Matt Winchell.

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A red flag

Red Flag Laws and Their Attack on the 2nd Amendment 

Various forms of so-called “red flag” laws, that allow governments to confiscate firearms from citizens, usually without due process, exist all around the country. New York’s version of red flag law, to nobody’s surprise, is especially onerous. Read what one of our great legal minds, 2A attorney Matt Winchell has to say on the matter.

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