After nearly four years in office, today the Biden-Harris administration issued its co-branded executive actions to “Reduce Gun Violence and Save Lives,” which amounts to nothing more than a tyrannical overreach of power that the Executive Office does not have.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes, it’s worth noting that, given the timing, this appears very much to be political maneuvering so that the Harris campaign can say they took action on this subject in the soon-to-be-had press conferences and speeches.
The Biden/Harris administration’s order reads like the typical beneficent dictator who is concerned for the “safety” of his subjects. We think that both Gun Owners of America and National Association for Gun Rights did a great job of synopsizing the key points in their own, rather accurate, words:
- Targets sources of replacement firearm parts
- Weaponizes Medicaid to push gun control
- Earmarks $135M to bribe states into enacting gun confiscation laws
- Weaponizes the Dept. of Education to invade the privacy of gun-owning parents
While it’s important to acknowledge the finer points in the bill, such as outlawing an American tradition of legally manufacturing firearms in the home, we’d like to hone in on perhaps the most critical part of the bill which appropriates:
…over $135 million in formula awards to 48 states under the Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP), which provides funding for the implementation of extreme risk protection order, or “red flag,” programs, state crisis intervention court proceedings, and related programs/initiatives.
“Biden and Harris are further cementing their gun control legacy today by creating 135 million reasons for states to find more people to confiscate guns from,” said Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights, in a statement issued on X, adding, “$135 million more dollars, stolen from taxpayers, to fund more unconstitutional gun grabs using the cover of ‘Red Flag’ laws.”
The “Red Flag” laws are truly the most nefarious elements because they allow virtually anybody to make unsubstantiated accusations, often without proof, that a gun owner is a threat to him or herself or others, disarm that gun owner without due process, and subject them to years of litigation and/or financial burden to get the right restored.
But “Red Flag” laws operate on another level, too: every gun owner knows other gun owners. There is a force multiplier effect when the “Red Flag” laws are used as backdoor disarmament and confiscation tools, which we wrote about last week, techniques used to psychologically attack the law-abiding who worry they might be next. It could be more nefarious when you consider that the program is aimed at YOU, with YOUR own money, and near-zero accountability.
Need an example? How about the sad case of New Jersey resident, Kyle Arena who was TERPO’d, his home was raided, weapons were seized, and he was subsequently jailed. The crime? Being abrasive on the internet.
You see, Temporary Extreme Risk Protection Orders (TERPOs) and Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) fully bypass your Fourth Amendment right to be free from warrantless searches and seizures (unconstitutionally, of course). They are rarely used when needed (i.e. the Maine shooter who was all over the radar of the Armed Forces Reserves, medical professionals, and members of the community), and they are often used to circumvent the US Constitution. And now, anti-gun states are likely slobbering over their individual shares of the $135 million so they too can start suppressing their law-abiding citizens.
This is NOT going to get easier. And make no mistake, if you live in one of those states and have become a victim of the state’s hostile intent, it will bankrupt you if you don’t have a legal defense fund. See our page here for why one is important.
We encourage you all, don’t let your voice be silenced, but do be smart. We need to continue to wage a war of attrition until we have a Presidency that will provide air cover for our Second Amendment rights.