National 2A News

An image of Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden… What Felony Gun Charges?

Any member of the public would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if they were caught lying on ATF Form 4473, the form buyers must fill out when purchasing a firearm. When one is a member of the Biden Crime Syndicate, what do you think happens? Nothing.

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An image of a red flag.

Tennessee Governor Lee Likes His ‘Red Flag’ Laws

No matter how much you polish it, a turd is still a turd. The people of Tennessee have made it clear that they don’t want more ineffective laws that target the law-abiding while doing nothing to stop mass murderers. Governor Lee has proposed, what we guess is, a red flag law that seems to be a little more balanced and in line with US Constitution than other states’ red flag laws. But is it, really?

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An image of a gun, handcuffs, and a judge's gavel.

Third Circuit Renders Decision in Range v. Garland

Huge news today in a case that may very well be headed to the US Supreme Court! A Third Circuit Court of Appeals en banc panel just rendered a very important decision regarding gun possession by non-violent felons. Did the Bruen decision just put more guns in the hands of more people?

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A generic image of a person victorious in the courtroom.

FPC Scores HUGE Win in Pistol Brace Ban Case

It looks like the ATF is on the ropes. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just issued a preliminary injunction pending appeal in the Mock v. Garland case. This is great news and provides strong clues as to how the case will finally be resolved. One criterium, but the only, when it comes to issuing a preliminary injunction is “likelihood of success based on the merits of the case.”

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An image of St. John's Prep school in Danvers, MA

A ‘Swatting’ Leads to an Accidental Discharge

A police detective had a major “whoopsie” in the men’s room at a boy’s school that almost landed him in some serious doo-doo. A so-called “swatting” call was made, targeting a prep school, which led to a negligent discharge by a police employee which then prompted an even bigger response.

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Gun Law Listening Tour Brings Up School Shooting That Never Happened

The Massachusetts Gun Law Listening Tour had yet another stop in Framingham. The subject was a relevant one: school shootings. There were people present from both sides of the 2A argument. As expected, the red and orange shirts had arguments based on emotion and void of logic. After all, even though pro-gun folks are allowed to attend and even speak, its a tour with an anti-gun agenda, isn’t it?

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