The New York State gun grabbers are at it again. This time with a new trick up their sleeve. A new bill has been introduced in the general assembly called Bill 8443, a.k.a. “New York State Attorney General, Firearms Enforcement Act.”
This Bill is created for the purpose of going after and prosecuting, firearm and ammunition dealers in other States should they sell firearms or ammunition to New York State Residents.
Recently New York State diverted the background check system from the federal government to the New York State Police, which means NY gun purchasers no longer have the protection the NICS background check system afforded by preventing their names from ending up on a gun registry. Not only did Kathy Hochul and the New York gun grabbers take the firearm background checks in house, they also added an in-house background check for ammunition as well.
Now, anyone who buys a firearm or ammunition in the State of New York will have their personal information filtered through a branch of the New York State Police specifically dedicated to firearm background checks. Our Founding Fathers never intended for the government to know who had guns and the home addresses where they were located. Kathy Hochul just spit in the faces of our Founders and will be collecting that information regardless of what the Constitution says.
Not only will the personal and private information of New York gun owners be at risk of a gun registry; anyone purchasing a firearm will have to pay a new fee for the privilege of being violated. The State will now charge $9.00 for each gun purchase background check and $2.50 for Each ammunition purchase background check.
Gun owners across the State of New York decided that this was unacceptable and made it known that they would be going out of state to purchase ammunition. The anti-gun, communist-dominant legislature in Albany didn’t like that and decided that all New York State Residents would be punished should they have the audacity to do such a thing. The new bill puts firearm and ammunition dealers in other states at risk of prosecution.
The bill specifically states that New York State will, “investigate and prosecute any individual seller of firearms or retail firearms dealer who knowingly sells an illegal firearm or rapid-fire modification device to a resident of the state of New York or to an individual who purchases a firearm or rapid-fire modification device on behalf of a New York State resident or who knowingly sells a firearm or rapid fire modification device to a resident of the state of New York or to an individual who purchases a firearm or rapid fire modification device on behalf of a New York State resident without contacting the New York State police for authorization pursuant to section 228 of this chapter and any other law, rule or regulation.”
The bill also states that New York State will, “investigate and prosecute. Any individual seller of firearms or retail firearms dealer should they knowingly sell ammunition to a resident of the state of New York or to an individual who purchases ammunition on behalf of a New York State resident without contacting the New York State police for authorization pursuant to section 228 of this chapter and any other law, rule or regulation.”
“Seek and obtain injunctive relief to prevent any individual seller of firearms or retail firearms dealer from knowingly selling ammunition to a resident of the state of New York or to an individual who purchases ammunition on behalf of a New York State resident without contacting the New York State police for authorization pursuant to section 228 of this chapter and any other law, rule or regulation.”
How many out of state gun shops would be willing to go through the extensive process and scrutiny by the New York State Police Department just to authorize an out-of-state purchaser to buy a box of ammo? The easiest way for them to handle this new New York law would be to say no to New York firearm and ammunition purchasers.
In other words, the New York State legislature is putting out the message to other States that any Citizen of New York State is an extreme risk to their business. This new bill, should it become law, will demonize, disgrace, and slander all New York Residents in the eyes of firearm dealers across the country. To avoid lawsuits from the New York State government, firearm dealers across the country will likely make it a point to keep their eyes open for New York gun or ammunition purchasers.
That’s what the Democrats in Albany think of the Citizens they are hired to represent.