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Hunter Biden… What Felony Gun Charges?

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An image of Hunter Biden

The Biden Crime Syndicate continues to show just how untouchable it is. Even as Biden almost daily slurs his words calling for bans on commonly owned firearms, his own son has struck a deal with the government to pled guilty to a major gun felony charge. He will undoubtedly get a pass. The deal will allow him to avoid a felony and presumably allow him to retain his 2nd Amendment rights assuming he is no longer a drug user or under any other prohibited category.

Today’s headlines surrounding Hunter Biden will lead the inattentive news observer to believe that Hunter Biden is paying his debt to society. But digging a little deeper reveals that he’s being treated with kid gloves compared to the average American if they were to commit the same crimes. Specifically, a gun-related crime.

Headlines like, “Hunter Biden Agrees to Terms for Guilty Plea” and “Hunter Biden to Plead Guilty to Three Federal Charges” make it seem like the five year investigation is ending with justice. Three guilty charges. Americans can rest easy. Justice has prevailed. However, you won’t read virtually any mainstream headline that includes the words “gun” or “firearm”. You might wonder why?

Hunter Biden hasn’t exactly been the face of a standup, law-abiding citizen. His history is plagued with prostitution, drug usage and some far more nefarious actions that have been documented in the book Laptop From Hell by Miranda Devine (which incidentally has a 4.6 star rating out of 10,660 reviews on Amazon).

The story of Hunter Biden’s missing laptop, which was abandoned at a Delaware computer shop in 2019, became well known in 2020. First repressed as a smear campaign by mass media looking to protect the then-candidate Joe Biden, it’s widely recognized now that the laptop and its contents are real. You can view the raunchy content of the laptop here (viewer discretion is advised): www.BidenLaptopMedia.com. In fact, Twitter famously suppressed a story by the New York Post that corroborated the existence of the laptop, all just before the election.

In addition to linking President Biden to corruption in the Ukraine, the laptop and its contents led, among other things, to an investigation of Hunter Biden on numerous charges. Federal authorities with the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware, led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump-era appointee, opened their investigation into Hunter Biden in 2018. Subsequent to the investigation, he was charged with misdemeanor offenses of failing to file and pay taxes in 2017 and 2018. Additionally he’s charged with a felony gun possession charge for illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user.

Today’s headlines suggest that Hunter will receive very special prosecutorial treatment with regard to the firearms charge. At issue is his false statements on Form 4473. ATF Form 4473 is the background check document each would-be gun buyer fills out upon trying to buy a gun from a licensed dealer. Hunter Biden appears to have lied about his history of drug use when filling out ATF Form 4473 for a gun purchase in 2018. Punishment for false answers on that form includes fines up to $250,000 and/or ten years of imprisonment.

According to a memo issued by the Department of Justice, “The Defendant has agreed to enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement with respect to the firearm Information.” According to justice.gov one of the most significant objectives of a Pretrial Diversion Agreement include:

To prevent future criminal activity and promote rehabilitation among certain offenders by diverting them from traditional processing into community supervision and services, including, as appropriate, mental health and substance abuse treatment.

To many readers here, that solution sounds like the revolving door, soft-on-crime approach used by many far-left liberal states, including New Jersey, for offenders that they deem to be “victims of the system.”

According to reporting by MSN today, “The felony gun possession charge will be resolved in what is known as pre-trial diversion agreement, where charges are dropped if certain conditions are met by a defendant, such as not committing a crime for a given time period. The specific conditions in Biden’s gun case were not disclosed in the court documents.”

This is a developing story, but all relevant facts at hand so far point to one outcome: the average law-abiding citizen would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for a similar felony, even if made in error. Especially by the anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-gun Biden administration. But when it comes to family, the Biden Crime Syndicate will always protect its own.

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Diana A.

And he has the thick-skinned face to call for tighter gun controls… control your family, first and foremost.

Last edited 1 year ago by Diana A.
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