News2A was on the ground at the NRA’s 2025 Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on February 1st, where we encountered political activist Scott Presler. Known for his grassroots efforts in voter registration, Presler was actively engaging with attendees to bolster Republican voter numbers. We seized the moment to conduct an exclusive interview with him, discussing his innovative strategies, notable achievements, and his vision for future political campaigns.
Shawn: Hey, guys. Shawn from News2A here with American hero Scott Presler. How are you doing, Scott?
Scott: Like, you know what? I am surrounded by thousands of hunters here at the Great American Outdoor Show. Life is good. That’s it.
Shawn: Well, let’s get right into the questions. So let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room, which is nobody realizes how tall you are. How tall are you?
Scott: Well, I’m 6’5″. My mom is 5’11”. My dad is 6’1″. My brother is 6’7″. So we’re pretty much the tall family. But I got boots on, too, so I’m cheating a little bit. But, you know, I’m in the Pittsburgh area. This is Midwestern culture. I think people forget that part of Pennsylvania really is Midwestern values.
Shawn: And for those who don’t know you. Would you tell our audience in a couple of sentences, why do you think you’ve become so well-known?
Scott: Well, I think people in this day and age want a meritocracy. They want someone that’s willing to work. They want someone with an unbridled passion and enthusiasm. And I love our country. I’m an Eagle Scout. My dad is a retired Navy captain. I believe that although I have never served our country in the military, this is my way of giving back.
And so I want to use the rest of my life to dedicate to shoring up freedom for other generations. And I think that’s why people respect me, in part, is because I’m willing to walk the talk. I’m willing to put in the work, and I hope that everybody at home is going to be inspired by my work. And you will take action.
You will register voters, you will go to gun stores and gun shops, and you will vote in every single election.
Shawn: So, one of our writers, Joe LoPorto, penned a story last week about what your work has taught us about elections. The great lie among disillusioned conservatives is that my vote doesn’t count. How have you countered that argument when speaking to individuals?
Scott: Well, I will say our biggest hurdle going into 2024 was that very hesitation.
Scott, the machines.
Scott, they’re going to cheat.
Scott, the mail in ballots.
To anyone at home that still feels that your vote doesn’t count, babes, we just won the White House. We just won the House. We just won the Senate. We just won the popular vote.
We won all seven swing states, including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. So your vote not only helped win, but the popular vote, taking that away from the Democrats, that they had that argument in 2016. You may have very well changed human history for forever. And so now our biggest hurdle is no longer people thinking that we can’t win because we proved that we can.
Our biggest hurdle is getting America-first Patriots to vote in every single election.
You vote in 2025.
You vote in the midterm elections.
You vote for JD Vance as president in 2028.
This goes straight to the next election.
Shawn: You’ve announced that you’re turning your attention to New Jersey, specifically, this year. So why New Jersey and what do you hope to accomplish?
Scott: Well, I want to thank the people of New Jersey. This is, a state that in 2021, we only lost by 80,000 votes in the gubernatorial election. That’s nothing. And this is a state that voted double digits for Joe Biden, but in 2024 came within five percentage points. I think that a lot of people considered New Jersey blue and never thought it would be so close.
New Jersey’s a purple state. And so our goal is we want to pencil New Jersey, and we are going to bring our voter registration model to the Garden State, to all 21 counties from Sussex to Essex to Middlesex to Camden to Cape May. We are going to be traveling all over New Jersey to help deliver that governorship.
Shawn: It’s going to be a great year.
Scott: Oh, it’s going to be fun.
Shawn: Most of your work has been activated around voting, but what are your thoughts on the Second Amendment and how it relates to our freedoms? After all, you are here at the Great American Outdoor Show.
Scott: I believe the Second Amendment protects and provides for every other amendment. The reason why America didn’t become Australia or the United Kingdom or Canada during Covid is because of the Second Amendment. And so that is an amendment that we must continue to vote on behalf of, that we must continue to utilize by purchasing firearms and learning how to use them in order to hunt and to protect ourselves.
But the Second Amendment protects and provides for all others.
Shawn: That’s a fantastic answer.
Scott: It’s true. Otherwise, we literally would be in camps like in Australia. They took away the Second Amendment. And what happens? You disarm the people and then you allow the government to be the only one that has the guns. And then you’re surprised when the government turns those guns on the people.
Right. You allowed it to happen. Yeah. And and Americans would be foolish to give up our right to defend and protect ourselves. Like Kyle Rittenhouse. Like Daniel Penny. The right to self-defense is so critical to our existence.
Scott (speaking to fan): How are you?
Fan: (inaudible)
Scott (speaking to fan): Thank you very much.
Shawn: So, you’ve you’ve received some great accolades, great and well-earned accolades. What’s the most surprising opportunity you’ve had since you’ve become more well-known?
Scott: Well, I want to give a shout out to Lara Trump. I would not have the success that we have had if she didn’t see value in the work that we brought to the table. You know, respectfully, I called out the previous chairwoman for 304 days, just offering my help, not even expecting anything, not demanding anything, just saying I want to win.
And our help was unrequited. And Lara Trump, within a week of becoming the co-chair, called us and had me come to the RNC and welcomed us to the table and invited grassroots organizations to partner with the RNC, were legal. And so really, I want to give a shout out to the President’s family and especially Lara Trump.
But I think the greatest thing has just been the overwhelming support of the people that is allowing Early Vote Action to continue this work. You know, we don’t have any whales. We don’t have any big funders. And so the work that we do requires the support of the people grassroots to go to New Jersey to continue our work in Pennsylvania.
Shawn: Since you’ve proven that grassroots efforts are indeed effective, how can how can motivated individuals get involved? In their communities? And then it’s a multi-part question. Is this a good time to talk about Early Vote Action?
Scott: I would argue listen, politics, especially for Republicans, must become 24/7/365 after the November election. We immediately rehired staff. We’ve been on the ground through Christmas, through the New Year. I mean, it’s February 1st, I believe today is. We’re here at the Great American Outdoor Show. We are not resting on our laurels. We are not resting on the November win.
We realize that we must continue to water the Tree of Liberty through the vehicle of voter registration. Every single day.
I forgot the first question. What was the first part?
Shawn: The first one was, since you’ve proven that grassroots efforts do…
Scott: So to you at home, you can download the Early Vote Action app to your phone, and you will have the ability to call people, text them. For example, in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, to flip Chester County from blue to red. So if you, are a working person, a mom of ten children, the early vote action app is for you.
But if you want to get more involved, I encourage you join your local Republican Party because we need people to become precinct chairs. We need people to take over the vehicle of the party to stop the Lisa Murkowski’s, the Susan Collins, the Mitt Romney’s, the Ben Sasse’s from having a hold on what it means to be a Republican.
If you do not engage with the party, then you are allowing other people to speak for you and to be your voice.
Shawn: Awesome. And, we’ll close it out with, Well, two more questions. So one is, are you into firearms?
Scott: I am, I am, I’m an Eagle Scout. I have been doing archery. I have shot firearms for the majority of my life.
Shawn: Oh, great. And do you have a favorite?
Scott: I mean, I like me a good 9mm. I want something that I could conceal it if I want to. I want something that’s going to be easy for me to, if I have the opportunity that I would need to protect and defend myself, that it’s something readily accessible, something easy. And I want something that’s ultimately, you know, got a little bit of weight to it, but is still something that I can use, with agility.
Scott: Okay. Awesome.
Scott (speaking to fan): How are you doing?
Fan: Fantastic. Thank you. Thank you.
Scott (speaking to fan): Thank you. Are you guys Pennsylvania?
Fan: No. We’re here.
Scott (speaking to fan): Well. Hey, you got in Jim Justice for the Senate. So. Thank you. Good job.
Fan: Thank you.
Scott (speaking to fan): Nice to meet you guys. And keep voting every election.
Fan: Keep it up.
Scott (speaking to fan): Thank you.
Fan: Keep it up.
Shawn: One last question. So, before we wrap up, what message would you like to send out to our readers, or in this case, possibly viewers?
Scott: The most important message to you at home that I have to say is, if you’re happy that we’re securing the border, if you’re happy that we have a ceasefire, if you’re happy that we’re ending the war with Ukraine, if you’re happy that we are now going to be able to drill, baby, drill. If you’re happy that we’re making life better with President Trump, then I need you to register to vote at your current address.
I need you to register to vote as a Republican in seats like Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, California, etc.. And last, I need you to vote in every single election. 2025 Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. 2026 midterm elections. You must protect President Trump by giving him a Republican Congress in 2026. Otherwise, everything that I just mentioned to you is gone.
His ability to legislate, his ability to govern, his ability to put forth good legislation, you lose all of that ability. So vote in every single election. Thank you for supporting my work. My organization is
Shawn: Awesome. Thank you very much, Scott.
Scott: Thank you.
Shawn: You’re an American hero. And, you made our nation great again.