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John Petrolino

New Jersey State Troopers standing in front of the New Jersey State Police Museum

N.J. Police Subjected to Licensing. Let’s Tell Them What We Think…

If you’ve been resentful about the onerous requirements to obtain a NJ Permit to Carry a Handgun and just outraged about New Jersey’s tiered citizenry levels, be prepared for a good laugh. Police Officers in the state of New Jersey, some, but certainly not all, maybe even a minority, look down on law-abiding gun owners and don’t consider us equal or trustworthy when it comes to the responsibility of carrying and possibly being called on to use firearms in defense of self or others. They’re getting a taste of what us peasants have to deal with in regards to “licensing.”

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Person with a gun committing armed robbery.

N.J. Armed Robberies Make the Case for Carry

A string of robberies and assaults by armed criminals in NJ willing to use violence further reinforces the case for citizen carry. Read John Petrolino’s editorial to learn more about these crimes and how they’re being handled by the legal system.

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Anthony Colandro in the Gun for Hire Podcast studio

I Don’t Have Time to Listen to Gun For Hire Radio

Many of us know Anthony Colandro and his Gun for Hire Podcast as a primary source of information regarding the 2nd Amendment in New Jersey. Are you one of the people that doesn’t have the time to listen for less than an hour each week yet you expect the information to be spoon fed to you on demand?

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An image of a whining and crying little boy.

New Jersey Attorney General Snubs Question on Forthcoming PTC Process

Just about every gun owner in New Jersey, by now at least, has a pretty good idea that NJ Attorney General Matthew Platkin doesn’t give a damn about any of our rights. He takes to Twitter on an almost daily basis to remind us that we must never cease fighting for our rights. Most recently, he Tweeted about how he’s “tired” of hearing from the public about “what’s good for public safety.” We don’t think he knows much about public safety OR civil rights.

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An image of a person stealing money from another person

When Do You Not Buy Local?

Its no secret that you can buy your ammo cheaper online and have it delivered right to your doorstep. However, in a state like New Jersey, where the local gun shops and ranges are under constant attack by the democrat supermajority in Trenton, its extra important to support those who support you. That means: buy local. But how much it too much?

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An image of Judge Roger Benitez

Judge Holding Back on Decision, Wants to Hear From Saint Benitez

It seems that all eyes are on Judge Roger “Saint” Benitez at the moment. Judge Benitez is set to rule on multiple cases involving anti-gun, 2nd Amendment infringements. Even other federal judges are awaiting Judge Benitez’s ruling in these cases before they render their own opinions on cases in front of them.

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An image depicting love and hate

NJ Attorney General Salutes SCOTUS When It’s Beneficial To Him

We all know that New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin is Murphy’s lap dog. It’s pretty funny how he switches between praising the US Supreme Court and condemning the court based on how much he favors or disfavors any given ruling. They’re either fair and just or they are not, you can’t have it both ways Platkin.

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Become a Member

You Want my Advice? You’d Better Become a Member.

Author John Petrolino recounts a recent conversation with the directory of Florida Carry regarding a third-party’s questions about the costs of New Jersey’s Permit to Purchase a Handgun. Lets just say there is no excuse, as a gun owner in NJ, for not being a member of the 2A groups fighting tooth and nail for our rights here in the Garden State.

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A photo depicting a gun in the trunk and a crime scene

The Judges Created an Unsafe Situation

Before the so-called Carry Killer bill was signed into law, some judges were issuing carry permits that create inherent safety risks to the gun carrier as well as those in the immediate vicinity. Of course, New Jersey’s legislators loved this provision so much that they incorporated it into A4769. Some judges might be ideologically motivated and some might think they are “doing the right thing”. One thing is for certain: they are putting us all at risk.

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