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Joe LoPorto

A drawing of President Rutherford B. Hayes, author of the Posse Comitatus Act, and his cabinet.

Trading Liberty for Security:  DoD Directive 5240.01 

How did the U.S. go from limiting military action on U.S. soil with the Posse Comitatus Act to authorizing it under DoD Directive 5240.01? Explore the history of military power expansion and how the Biden administration’s new directive could impact your rights, especially for patriots, militias, protesters, and government critics.

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Vice President and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

What Happens if Kamala Harris Wins?

A question that many of us try to avoid thinking about. However, optimism, just like hope and faith, are not valid strategies and conservatives are simply not doing enough to ensure a victory that should easily be ours. In this article, Joe LoPorto raises some very interesting points from an informed perspective.

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Firearms and other weapons seized from the home of Kyle Arena

The Sad Case of Kyle Arena

Many people believe “red flag” laws are the solution we need, dismissing the fact that these laws strip citizens of constitutional rights without due process, all in the name of the “greater good.” But some of us know better. Kyle Arena’s story is just one example of how red flag laws are abused to bypass the 4th Amendment.

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United States Supreme Court building

The Era of Chevron Deference is Over

Today, the US Supreme Court released an opinion with massive, far-reaching consequences that curtails the ability of government agencies to re-interpret law as they see fit. Joe LoPorto breaks it down for us.

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A 'vote here' sign in a parking lot

Activism 101: Federal vs State Elections and What We Can Work On

In this article, Joe LoPorto writes about the impact of grassroots activism on federal elections in New Jersey, focusing on critical gun rights issues such as concealed carry and suppressor regulations. It highlights how organized voter engagement influences state policies and shapes the agenda for the upcoming federal election.

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