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NJ NICS data as of 
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Dan Wos

Host of The Loaded Mic, author of Good Gun Bad Guy, and News2A author, Dan Wos on Newsmax.

Democrats Perpetuate Violence and Criminalize Self-Defense

What does the left have to gain by letting convicted criminals out of jail and in many cases refusing to prosecute after police make an arrest (or re-arrest)? Votes. Dan Wos recently appeared on Newsmax, accompanied by Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, to talk about the Democrats’ dangerous path.

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Ammunition on black background.

NYS Threatens to Sue Other States for Selling Ammo to NY Residents

New York State legislators have an egregious new bill on the table that demonizes New York gun owners and will punish them and out-of-state dealers for trying to save a few bucks on ammunition. We all know Kathy Hochul will sign just about any bit of gun control legislation that makes it to her desk. Remember, its much easier to kill a bad bill before it becomes law than it is to get it overturned after it becomes law.

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An image inside the chambers of the US House of Representatives.

House Passes Pistol Brace Resolution

Even if President Biden vows to veto the bill, if and when it reaches him, the fact that the house has rejected the ATF’s pistol brace rule is great news for American gun owners. The weaponized ATF, at the direction of the Biden administration, is determined to make it a criminal offense to own a harmless piece of plastic. Why? Because they hate you.

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A generic image of a human brain.

The Brainwashing Behind Gun-Control

It’s probably safe to say that we’re subject to some sort of “programming” or “brainwashing” multiple times per day, whether through TV, internet, billboards, etc… In this article, Dan Wos explains the brainwashing behind gun-control and how triggers are installed in us to elicit specific emotional responses to certain stimuli.

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Image of a man pointing a revolver

“Gun-Violence” – The Great American Fear Campaign

The left tends to hide behind meaningless terms to make it seem like they care, but surprise, they don’t! Just like the purposely misleading term “assault rifle”, the left uses the term “gun violence” to put people in fear of user-controlled objects. Remember, guns are neutral. It’s people that are either good or bad.

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